Maine Coon P-Wurf

Typvolle Maine Coon Kitten

In verschiedenen Farben, schwarz, rot, cream

Maine Coon of Dantes Peak
Zilly vom Dittrichs Hof und Mister Bean of Dantes Peak

* 25.05.2015 *

Zilly vom Dittrichs Hof

Mister Bean of Dantes Peak


Maine Coon männlich in schwarz
Purple Rain of Dantes Peak
Maine Coon Mädchen in rot
Prada of Dantes Peak
Maine Coon Katze in blue tortie
Piper of Dantes Peak

Maine Coon red
Pippi Lotta of Dantes Peak
Maine Coon Kitten in rot
Paco of Dantes Peak
Typvoller Maine Coon Kater
Pino of Dantes Peak

Maine Coon männlich in red solid
Pepper of Dantes Peak